This Month at BCC: June 2024

Author: Tomos Charles

Welcome back to This month at BCC IT. As we farewell to June and welcome in July (my favourite month) we need to look back and tell you about everything that happened during June. About how the Team completed a sponsored walk from Abereiddy to Porthgain and back, The Euros and our little fantasy football league and sweepstake, and finally how some of our staff will be leaving at the end of the month

Porthgain to Abereiddy Sponsored Walk

On Sunday the 30th of June some of the team here at BCC IT and their partners went on a sponsored walk to raise money for YFC Wales. They had a lovely time out in the sunny (but cloudy) coastal pathways of Wales. Dylan brought his Dog Izzy and also took some amazing photos of the walk and the team on the walk as you can see below. In total, we have been able to raise £249 for YFC! We’re delighted to have been able to support a charity like YFC, especially during this time when the agricultural sector in Wales is beginning to become unsteady. This won’t be the only charitable event we hold either. We here at BCC IT are dedicated to giving back to our community. Whether it’s YFC or any of the charities we work closely with. We’re looking forward to another sponsored walk and charity draw close in the future! Us here at BCC IT are very proud of everyone who participated in the sponsored walk and look forward to seeing more charitable events here at BCC IT.

BCC IT (Fantasy) Football league

With the Euro’s now upon us we here at BCC IT have been glued to our screens watching the games, looking up the scores and keeping an eye on the points. We’ve had upsets, massive wins and some soul-crushing losses (Slovakia’s loss got me the most). It’s been fair to say that the Euros have been a great experience for us all and brought us together. We’ve had a big Fantasy football league made by Joe and currently Jeremy has been leading with 260 points. Meanwhile, I’m near the bottom with 140 points. My initial tactic was to let ChatGPT do all the work for me. That tactic had to change though once I realised ChatGPT doesn’t give the best football advice. We’ll have to wait until the finals to see who comes out on top!

We’ve also had a little sweepstakes going on with teams being assigned randomly to BCC Staff. Most had only one team but some decided to put a bit more money in the pot to receive two teams. I was given Slovakia and while at the beginning I was lamenting my team by the end I was a fully-fledged Slovakia fan and I will never go back on it. Pod’me na Slovensko! (Let’s go Slovakia! in Slovak) Sadly Slovakia were knocked out by England who was Dave’s team. I do remember having a chat with him about it though and him telling me he was scared for England. We put up a good fight but in the end, England came out on top.

Chris Still was also the same as me Lamenting his teams of Romania and Switzerland. Same as Slovakia though they’ve been doing amazing during the Euros! Adrian Hutton on the other hand two amazing teams in Spain and France who are looking likely to win the Euros this year. The same with Wilson who had Portugal and the Netherlands. Is it some sort of service desk perk where you get some amazing luck? We truly have been enjoying the Euros and we can’t wait to see how it’s all going to culminate.

A farewell at the end of the month

Like I alluded to at the beginning of this monthly update some of our staff will be leaving at the end of the month which includes me. I will be leaving BCC IT and returning to University to do my Masters degree. Working at BCC IT has been a great an invaluable experience to me and it’s given me a chance to learn more about the world of the IT industry, allowed me to develop new skills and given me more experience in the field. I truly do appreciate my time here and I wouldn’t take it back. I’m not sure who will be taking over my monthly updates but I do hope that you all have enjoyed my writing and updates. Who knows what the future will hold? But I know that I have enjoyed my time here and am so happy I’ve had this experience.

Thank you everyone!

Written by Tomos Charles